Mountains Sketch Landscape

You know why you’re here

You want to be initiated into the person that you are capable of being. It’s only hidden beneath the surface.

Let’s uncover it


Welcome to Uncover

A custom made 6 months, 1:1 coaching program for ambitious entrepreneurs like you ready to end stress, self-sabotage and indecision. Eager to build a life on their own terms.


You've achieved the big milestones, the recognition, and the financial success, yet:

  • Climbing the entrepreneurial mountain and reaching the summit hasn’t created more energy, relaxation or fulfillment like you thought it would

  • You may feel discontented and disillusioned by years of hustle and chasing status-based success

  • You have a fear of it all falling apart. The moment you’ll take a step back, take time off, you fear sales will implode, your team won’t perform and ultimately your business will fail
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UNCOVER what‘s

UNCOVER what’s

beneath the surface

This is for you, if:


You realize that your physical or mental health is suffering, and that you can’t discuss the challenges in business you face with your loved ones, because they don’t live your life

You know a coaching session here and there isn’t going to break deep-seated patterns. You are looking for ongoing honest and direct reflection, and a safe space to share your inner demons with someone that has been in your shoes

You know you have untapped potential. You’re successful in the eyes of society but deep down you know there is a lot more within you that’s waiting to be unleashed

You had enough of talk therapy. You’re not a patient and I’m not your therapist. I’ll help you dive deep where necessary, but the focus is on creating real breakthroughs to get you where you want to be




What happens in uncover?


Up until now you have fought the battle of building your business alone. You are looking for someone who is there with you every step of the way and can point out your blind spots


For 6 months, I’ll help you break through the most pressing thought patterns, limiting beliefs and obstacles that have prevented you from finding joy in building your business, and together create new ones that work for you


Instead of lying on an therapist’s couch talking for hours on end, we go straight to the core through the use of hands-on tools such as

NLP, breathwork and hypnotherapy

what you get

Custom coaching sessions

We kick off with bi-weekly online coaching calls in the first 2 months. For at least 1.5 hours per session we dive deep into the challenges you experience. For the remaining months, we meet every 3 weeks to allow more time for integration.

Realistically you need to invest a minimum of 1 hr per week. But the more you invest, the more results you’ll get.

100 day -Journal & report

You’ll receive a hardcover 100-day journal to keep track of your main goals and aspirations.

At the start and throughout the 6 months, your development will be visible and celebrated with a personalised report to show growth and highlights in required areas.

true inner freedom,

beyond money & time


External validation will no longer drive you, and the weight of external voices, rules, and metrics will be lifted


You will get to do whatever the f*ck you want, and be great at it


Your own well-being becomes your

#1 priority



I’m so convinced of my work and the results I deliver, so a no-risk guarantee is an easy one to offer.

When you find that after the first month of working together, you don’t see significant progress or break-through.

You’ll get your money back.


Mountains Sketch Landscape

How to apply


You fill in a short survey, discussing what goals you want to achieve and what has been stopping you. This gives me insight in whether you are good fit for the program.


You receive a complimentary 60 min coaching call, to get clarity on what you want, what is blocking you and how Uncover can support you. It’s for you to understand what coaching with me looks like, and for me to understand whether you’re ready and committed enough to follow through.


Only if we’re both feeling a fit, we’ll officially sign you up and start working together for the coming 6 months. If we don’t see a fit, we’ll leave it at that and wish each other well.

apply to uncover

Not for everyone

Uncover is only for a select few, the brave souls, the trailblazers, the entrepreneurs looking for true fulfillment in themselves, instead of empty validation from society.

Those who are truly committed to tap into their full potential.

If that is you click below